EcoArt Intent_Alyssa DeMario
This app is going to be an app where people can identify bird calls from their current surroundings.
TweetTector is an app that overtime, is going to detect how many calls these birds make. The birds with the least amount of calls detected overtime, are going extinct, so people would be able to help them get these birds in a better living environment and different eating patterns. This app is going to allow you to pick what location you want to hear the birds calls from and this device is only going to detect that certain surrounding your picked and are near or even as close as your backyard.
The app is going to pull up facts about the bird, such as there type, what they eat, where they live etc. This is going to help when birds sometimes become extinct, what we can do to help them in a positive way.
We are always trying to help stop animal distinction, so having this app for birds, it could grow into something bigger with other animals as well. This will help improve our environment around us in many ways. Birds play a very important role in our echosystem. Plants around us depend on birds to spread their seeds, and plants tend to rely on hummingbirds for pollination. Birds also play an insect role, by consuming large quantities of mosquitoes, moths, beetles, caterpillars etc. This will be a great way to be aware of how important birds are to our environment.
For this project I would give credits to my roommates here at school. When I was thinking about this idea the first thing I thought of is that I wanted to create an app that was a hobby to some people but also taught us more about what people can do to make our environment a better place. My roommates and I always hear a couple of birds in the back of our apartment, since it is mostly woods, so I decided to use what I see and hear from the birds in back of my apartment and develop an app for it.
My budget would end up coasting a good amount. It would be mostly be developing the app and the voice control to the app, and also connecting it with the certain location that you are in. This would be a lot of time and effort to make this app, and keep it up to date with current updates.
One thought on “EcoArt Intent_Alyssa DeMario”
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I think having an app that can tell identify different bird calls would be really fun. I like listening to birds in my yard and often wonder what sounds are coming from which bird. While this is a fun idea, I think you might be underestimating the cost and difficulty of this project. Building a device that can record independent bird songs while counting them, filtering out other sounds and keeping track of the seasons would be extremely difficult. First there is the hardware. You need something that can record these sounds and be left outside 24/7, then it needs to transmit the data to the app. Then there is the software which needs to pull all of that information out of the soundtrack and make a whole bunch of calculations based off of it. The concept is great, but I think it should be simplified in order to make it more realistic.