Approach 2 – MegC

Approach 2 – MegC

Autobotography Approach – Growing Up in a Digital World


Click here to watch the video campaign example




Above is a short video raising awareness about the effects of the digital age on kids and those of us who grew up in it. The statistics and facts have no backing and are just placeholders for actual information.



I decided to change directions a little bit and go with more of a campaign style approach. I would make a video like the one above and share it on social media to raise awareness about the effects of the digital age on kids and young adults today. I think this is a better approach because it looks at my age bracket as a whole while also sharing a message that I think is important – to be a well rounded person (less focus on technology being the center of our lives). The campaign could include sharing videos, stories, and images on social media as well as putting up posters around campus and the community to raise awareness of the online campaign and just in general about the pervasive use of technology.



I have all the materials I need (computer, videos, softwares) so there will be no monetary cost for materials in the online campaign. Any poster creation may cost a small fee for materials and take 1-2 hours to print as well as another 1-2 hours to distribute. Creation and distribution of the online material shouldn’t take too long (approx. 2-3 hours), while collecting the data may take a little longer and is variable in time depending on if I have to collect it myself or if there has already been research done.