Approach 1 AndrewG

Background: I want to create an app that allows high school music teachers and students to connect safely and help set up a secure rental network. A student should have access to any instrument they show an interest in. Letting young adults interact with instruments and create a sound is essential for exploring their creativity. Instruments can be the key that opens up a world of knowledge and rhythms, and some high schools have such a poorly funded music department. With this app, I want to connect the music departments of as many schools as possible and let them sell, trade, loan, and barter for instruments. A well-funded school could help an under-funded school by loaning them a double bass, or a keyboard for any specific occasion. Music directors can share techniques and strategies and create a network of teachers teaching not only their own groups but every group connected to this app.

Explanation: I grew up in a fairly well-funded orchestra. After some time, however, the football and baseball teams started receiving an absurd amount of funding, and the district threatened to take money away from the performing arts to better fund the athletic department. The bill did not pass, but it put me in perspective about other schools. If the funds had been cut to the music department, then I never would have been able to play bass all the way up from fifth grade. Allowing students unrestricted access to means of their creativity is essential for development, and the arts deserve to be protected. That is why this app introduces a new way of connecting to the musical community and establishes a repository of instruments available to ship to any high school.

Credits: Andrew Gardner, my high school orchestra/chorus/band

Rough budget:

Coding software

Coding experience

Coders x 3

Computer with internet access, phone too.

Time: Three weeks to prepare and rough draft

Five weeks max. for the final product

Space: Rent from the library?