Approach 1—DuojiaW


  • Background: This website will reveal all the facts about products that people purchase. There are products review, commercials, and stories online. However, the statements on the packaging and ads, stories, and products reviews can be fake.  This website will show people the facts. On this website, people can post inside secrets, honest reviews, and their observations about products. Anyone can provide information, but the administrators have to make sure that information is true. Administrators will try the products first before someone can post about the product. For example, if someone wants to make a post about a product, an administrator has to make sure the content of the post is true. After the administrator tried the product, if  he finds out the content of the post is true, then the person can post that post on the website. This will benefit people because people will know the truth about the products, so they can spend money on the right products.

  • Explanation:  On the  website, there are three main sections( Inside secrets, Honest Reviews, Observations). You can enter each section by clicking the title. Then you will see the posts in each section. You can view the posts by clicking. You can also add new posts and reply to the posts. Before you add a new post, you have to have a permission. You can post a post after administrators grant you a permission.
  • Credits: I looked at other forums online.
  • Simple Budget:A streaming service. This would cost $ 100. Total cost: $ 100.