Approach 1 Eli F

Problem:  Plastic is killing our oceans

Our oceans are getting polluted at astonishing rates. Last year 8 million tons of plastic entered the ocean. This plastic is getting captured in our currents and pooling into ”islands” of plastic and debris (as seen above). My project focuses on informing people about the affects of not recycling and consuming to much plastic.

My idea for a project is to make an interactive VR exhibit to inform and show people how our oceans are being affected by pollution. The scenarios would range from drone videos of the “plastic bag islands” forming in the middle of the ocean to what the sea is going to look like in 25 – 100 years. These videos compiled with tips of how to cut down on our usage of plastic and non recyclable goods could help slow down the damage being done to the ocean.

This method could be used to bring light to the current state of our oceans. People know the ocean is polluted but don’t quite understand how polluted. An interactive Virtual reality scenarios could be a good way to to help educate and shock people into changing their lifestyles.



Along with the goggles there would be a control system to change scenarios . These controls would enable the user to adjust settings and see different outcomes. If you turned down plastic
consumption and turned up recycling and clean up efforts the goggles would show a clean and bright future. If you turned plastic consumption down it would show a slightly dirtier ocean than today. If you increased plastic consumption like we are doing today you would see a dirty ocean with less ocean life.

You would also be about to change how many years out you are looking. For example what it would be like in 10, 25 or 100 years.

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