Approach 1 – IanD
Title: Our New Media
Abstract: A web platform for both students expressing what they want to get out of the New Media program at UMaine and instructors addressing those needs, allowing for better career preparation and communication as a whole.
New Media is a major that accommodates for a wide range of interests and abilities. Likewise, the students that come into the major may have many different imagined career paths and interests. Although we do have sequence classes, that support some of these paths, I feel that it would be beneficial to show students precisely what classes (both required and elective) they need to be prepared for a given career or interest. Likewise, I think professors would like to know what students want to focus on in their tenure here in order to better gear their classes towards them. Even though we’re in an age where we can look up tutorials for just about anything, it would be more effectively for experts (both professors and students) to teach us certain skills in person as well. There needs to be a platform for a conversation to start between those in the department who have valuable skills and those who are eager to attain them.
This is important for both students and instructors in New Media. It’s a platform that no one should be against. It provides students with the opportunity to speak out together and shape their education. Instructors get to know how to better their curricula, form a stronger dialogue with their students, and stay up to date with relevant demands of the professional fields their students want to enter.
UMaine NMD students create an “Our New Media” profile that outlines their interests and some future careers/fields that they may be considering. Once these careers are chosen, students are able to view what skills they will need to get that job or help them pursue those certain interests. You are able to search for New Media classes that fit these certain skills. Under each class, any registered student can make a post about the course’s content and how effective it was at teaching those skills. Instructors (registered under a different type of account) can respond to these students. Instructors can see the goals of the students currently in their class and can shape their course to the needs of the students. If students need help with a certain skill or want to collaborate with other students in person, there is an option under each posts to create an event via Google Calendar to meet up.
Although the project has a clear benefit for students who have a currently defined job in mind, it also helps those who want to explore interests that may flourish into hobbies and art pieces. For example, my friend and 206 peer Ian Haddow doesn’t want to be an animator after college, but he does love animation. He’s in his 2nd year here in New Media and when I brought up my Animation II project, he said “Wait, they teach animation here? It must be just Flash right?” I told him that we have a great After Effects animation classes that teach you how to create fully fleshed out animations by the end of the semester. He was appalled! Sure, he could have asked someone about animation in our major sooner, but what if he filled out a questionnaire when he first entered the major that consequently told him “Hey, if you like animation, check out these classes! And here are some reviews that show students really like them.” This project would get students excited not only about the major, but the projects and careers they might explore after.
This project aligns with the “many-to-many” principle in New Media. When a student wants to learn something that isn’t being offered in a class, it’s not likely they’ll request it on their own. In this way, our education in New Media becomes a one way conversation. It’s impossible for professors to know how to adapt their curricula if they don’t know what the students want to learn. For this reason, curricula may lose relevance without the professor even knowing it. With “Our New Media,” a dialogue would be opened between students and educators, giving both parties a chance to know each other on a deeper level. Due to the “many-to-many” principle, once this project is in place, it will hopefully be sustained by a burgeoning community.
I think this idea stemmed from talking to Ashley Duggan about her capstone concept for a job placement app for New Media majors. I can see this being implemented as a precursor to that project; students get the skills they need to be aptly prepared for jobs shown on that platform.
Bluehost Domain: $99/3 years
(May be able to acquire domain from department)
Time Required:
Estimated 50 hours
Other Requirements:
WordPress, MySQL, My Laptop
2 thoughts on “Approach 1 – IanD”
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Apologies for this being a little late! I accidentally submitted it under the Approach_17 tag at first, then deleted, and re=uploaded it.
1. what media is the intent/project? 1-1, 1-many, many-many? Explain
I really like what you’ve done You created a many-many to approach that applies the very principle new media preaches.
2. does the idea enlist any of the New Media Strategies? If so which & how?
I think this project applies the strategy “Tap into local networks.” Currently the way we interact within our New Media program is mostly a one-to-many approach. Those in charge of the program give us options and we must choose. By tapping into local networks and engaging this many-to-many approach, I think we could grow as a major and better provide for students.
3. what major issue(s) does the project engage? This project engages New Media Major’s ideas and interests with it’s leaders.
4. does the concept interest you? Yes, I am actually very interested in audio production. And, we currently don’t have many courses within the field.
1. is the design clear and appropriate? The design is elegant and forward.
2. does the design invite attention and/or participation? Yes, the website in clean and inviting to student input.
1. what tech is used? is it appropriate? The web is used, which is appropriate for the issue.
2. what is the cost? is it affordable for most people? the planet? is it sustainable? The cost is very minimal with much upside.
1. who is the intended audience? New Media Major students
2. how is the project geared to the audience? The project is geared towards New Media major students hopes and desires within the program.
3. would the project appeal to or challenge the audience? how/why? The project would both appeal to and challenge the audience. It would appeal to students who want to put input in what they want to learn. It also challenges students to think about exactly what they want out of the program.
1. does the idea stem from some personal passion of the creator? Yes, it is very evident.
2. can you detect the mark of a particular sensibility? Yes, it is clear the creator of this project is passionate, yet appropriate.
Well done.