H20 Blackout – PerryA
Title : H2O Blackout
One sentence summary : This is an idea for a public event/contest to raise awareness for the dangers of hazing.
Visuals :
Background : Hazing in fraternities has caused a lot of problems on college campuses in America including the death of students, injuries, and vandalism. During a recent act of hazing a student at Penn state was forced to drink 18 beers in 89 minutes and later died after he was pushed down the stairs.
Explanation : This contest would make people aware of how hard and unnecessary it is for people participate in hazing activities by having contestants compete to see who can drink 18 12oz cups of water first which is an absurd amount of liquid for anyone to drink in such a short amount of time regardless of whether or not it contains alcohol.
Credits : Perry Amos
Budget : $30 for water and cups
$40 for tables and chairs(or borrow from someone)
$15 to make posters for the event
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