Approach 1 – StellaL
“Pro Life”
My intent is to promote reproductive health, specifically women’s rights to having access to safe abortions, by allowing women to tell their stories through a public forum showing the decision process women go through in choosing to abort as it is not a simple thing via Instagram.
Background: The right to abort versus the right to life is a huge topic in the scope of women’s reproductive health. With a many to many strategy I would like to create an Instagram account that allows women to share their abortion stories, including the decision process (why they decided to have an abortion) and what they went through to get said abortion, anonymously through Google docs. This account would be posted to daily with one or two posts per day depending on submission quantities.
Explanation: This would be an effective collective for women to not feel so alone in their decision to abort as well as a platform to get stories in the open so people may sympathize and realize that sometimes abortions are absolutely necessary swaying their stance on women’s rights to have access to abortions. Instagram would be the best platform for this because Facebook is becoming outdated and not used as much as Instagram. While these stories will be posted on Instagram, to keep the stories anonymous, I would use a Google form where people could submit their stories anonymously. From the Google submissions, I would post the stories anonymously with corresponding images (drawings, photos, and the like) that would match the mood of the story.
Credits: This idea was sparked with the suggestions and feedback from Joline Blaise. The images used were from the following sources in this order:, MathildeCinqMars, Ann Licudine, Jonathon Van Maren ,Maryanne Pale,, Gabrielle Brickey, (I couldn’t find the original source for the graveyard photo). (In the actual fruition of the project, I would create my own images or crowdsource – people that submit stories could also submit their original photos)
Budget: This would take at least 30 minutes to set up and about three hours per day to post stories and create corresponding images. Other than time costs, it would be free of charge.
One thought on “Approach 1 – StellaL”
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*ProLife as title for reproductive rights will draw wide audience; can your project answer the question of why it is “pro-life” I think it could…but maybe the stories will do this IF you can mine them properly and frame the project well. Good credits for images, but for this type of project you would want to only use images you had permission for in the public release. Your images are both subtle visually and also gripping emotionally–good tone for the project. Could you be the “artist” or could you also crowdsource images from contributors or supporting artists? A final project will need original art work with permissions. Would there be a “call to action” area? or just stories? who would curate the stories? BTW do men have any reproductive right? if so what are their rights, or how could men be allies instead of opponents? are they part of your audience? if so, how will the stories reach them?
* many-many? yes, for stories, maybe also for images?
* NMD strategies? crowdsource, network mobilize
* central issue/concept? use Instagram story campaign to help educate around reproductive rights so that people will…do what?.
* clear/apt? yes, good tone and images, interesting use of social media, might want to consider Adobe Spark for Instagram posts.
* interactive/participatory? yes, but will ned to be curated and managed; may want to link stories to call to action.
* tech? simple but widely used–instagram; i assume some design software, Google forms; and way to integrate all these.
* sustainable?
* audience? just women? men? youth? who would be moved by stories that could influence legislation?
* personal mark? This would come from any original artwork, and curating of the stories–what is the mood/tone of the collection and how is it framed? . See Post Secrets and and