Approach 2- AndrewW

Approach 2- AndrewW



Background: As talked about in my intent, this applications main purpose is to track the use of someones application use throughout their day. As scene in the images above, this applications primary uses are for A. tracking the use of the users application usage over the course of the last 24 hours, B. Tracking a users track usage history over time, showing trends in application usage, C. The ability to set alarms or timer limits on App usage.

Explanation: The point of this application is to help the user control and study their time spent on mobile applications.

Credits: The general idea for this application was brought up by two other classmates. As such I decided to primarily focus on the observation aspect of this idea. The application photos above show that the main idea was to give visual representation of the users app usage and focus on self control.

The budget as mentioned in the Intent was estimated at a few thousand dollars and around 30 hours of work.