Approach 2 – ElizabethD

I would like to create a website or an app that pulls all of the data that other apps/websites collect from you, and organize it into categories so that it is easy to navigate.
A lot of the projects that we looked at were focused on being your true self, when we are so guarded and do our best to hide information online. My project is almost opposite of that, where I want to show people just how much they actually put online for the world to see, and how much companies actually know about them because of the voluntary information they give in these apps.
Information could be pulled for Facebook, Tinder, Instagram, Twitter, or even a computer’s browsing history. Everything could be organized in different ways, but tweets, posts, comments, etc. could be sorted by searching for keywords, painting a portrait of how the user actually appears online. For a more premium service, users could pay a small fee so that we may pose as a company looking to buy the customers’ information. This is not necessary, however, as most of the data that companies have on you are accessible anyway. This product/service would just be there to organize it all for you and make it easy to read and understand
I do not think that this would take very long to do. If it were done well, I would say a maximum of 60 hours would be needed for web design or app programming. The app or website would pull data from other websites and apps, so really the algorithm for organizing all of the data would be about 90% of the work. I would do about 15-20 dollars per hour for the work, so this would potentially cost between $900 and $1,200.
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