Approach 2 – JasonD

Approach 2 – JasonD

The Alt-JAD


Experiences change who we are, but do the times? How often do you take yourself and place who you are in the present into some other time? It is already practice of me to consider myself in future and past tenses. We are linear creatures, and it can be said that I am not the same person as I was yesterday as I will be today? I do things for myself in the future, and I thank my past self when they did something that helped me in the now. What if I were to extend my time self beyond my life span? In this series I examine a couple pasts and a future and consider who I am, what it means to be me in those times.


In this series I took myself in one image and redrew it with details of the time that I wish to portray. In the first image, I cast myself into the future. It is hard to image a rosy utopia. As world events continue to intensify and nationalism continues to grow, so does the domestic unrest. I worry over the stability of governance, and what will become of our world as tensions increase. If the world became more violent, what would I have to do to defend myself and others?

The second image captures the enthusiasm of the steam powered age. Constructing rail roads and blazing away across the western scapes. Would I be the young adventurer mechanic? An aspiring locomotive engineer? I pose with a coal shovel, grinning from the excitement. The harder I work, the faster we go.

In the last image, I depict myself in victorian London England. A carriage driver who braves the english cobblestone streets. I must have seen many people, and cared for many a horse. I know what it’s like to have to replace a wheel on one of those buggies, but It never stopped me from earning a shilling or two. I’ll hold your door and carry your bags, I understand that travel is hard these days.

I have always held and interest in devices of transportation. Machines that can propel us across the landscape to far away other places. From space ships, to cars, to bikes, they all move us further then we could ever take ourselves on foot. In each image I pose next to a vehicle of that time.


Each of these sketches took me about two hours. Being black and white simple line sketches, additional work would have to be done to refine and improve them. The amount of time to bring out color and details would vary, but I would add another five hours to the sketch time. That would bring a finished piece being available within Seven hours. To fully finish these three pieces would require 21 hours total.  To have a more balanced offering, I would offer three more pieces to extend the future and past versions.

Total work time for a full deployment would take about 42 hours. At an artist’s wage that would bring a cost of $1008.00 as a base. I only used Adobe Photoshop, which for a one month rental of that single app would cost $19.99. Additional research would come in at about five hours.

Labor: 42 hours * $24.00 = $1008.00

Software: $19.99

Research: 5 hours * $24.00 = $120.00

Total Bill: $1147.99