Approach 2- Matthew Carlson

Just You EP
Summary: A website and or a blog where people can share new music of unknown artists that they have found on the internet and write about what they feel about them and the art they are creating right now.
Background: In today’s society there are millions of unknown artist who are putting out compelling music that the world needs to see, and as I did in a past project discussing the struggles right now of the music industry with streaming services a music blog site would be a huge help to unknown artist to get music out. This site will only be allowed for unknown artist, you can see it as a linkden for artist, and when the website starts to kick off it will be for artist in many different areas of art, and will help explore the creative minds of the worlds youth.
Credits: My friend and I are involved with the work we are doing right now, the sources I used were other blog sites and sites where people can see profiles of artist
Budget: Depends on how big the site gets and the servers, and maybe even the music that is used with in the site.
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