Approach 2—RyanL

- Broken
- This app allows you to share dark things from your past, while connecting with other anonymous users and their own experiences that also want to get stuff off their chest.
- Visuals:

- Background: The problem in today’s world is that many people have “skeletons in the closet”. People do things that they end up regretting, and sometimes it’s so bad that they end up keeping quiet about it their whole life instead of letting it go. The problem is that nobody tells anyone because they feel alienated from society. Given that hollywood, our music industry, and the meida makes everyone seem perfect, it is extra hard to feel “normal” when you have done things you regret. To let it go, you need someone to connect to and that wont judge you for your actions. This app addresses this problem, and shines light on the dark side of human nature.
- Explanation: This project reflects not only my own self, but the self of human nature. You can read the homepage excerpt, post your experience, view statistics about popular posts, and search up keywords to view stories similar to your own. The point of this app is to show humanity how broken we really are. Nowadays with all of the “perfect” people portrayed in movies, music, hollywood, and other large industries, it pushes people to pretend to be perfect and without mistakes. This is an app that will spread light on our true brokenness, and give people an opportunity to relate to others who have made similar mistakes as you. Whether it’s drugs, rape, murder, or as simple as a lie, so many people have done things they regret in the past, and most of the population tries to hide it. By no means is this app suggesting you do bad things to have things to post, nor is it condoning bad behavior. This app is simply trying to show people that it’s okay to make mistakes, and that we should be striving to be better in the future instead of holding on to our past.
- Credits: Me. I got some feedback from various people on ways to expand the app.
- Budget:
- Time: 10-20 hours of coding
- Money: 100$ to hire developer, 20$ a month for a domain
- Energy: 5 weeks planning/prototyping, 5 weeks development, 5 weeks release/fixing.
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