Approach 2 – Sophia CC
No-one presents the same self to everyone, presentation will shift depending on the person, disposition towards them, even the time of day; this project allows users to explore different selves of someone that they would not otherwise have access to.
An initial prototype of the project has been released and can be found HERE
Some images of the released prototype:
The project is an interactive online quiz that analyzes my relationship with the user, and at the end outputs what self I would show that person. The possible options are:
- Classmate
- Coworker
- New friend
- Close friend
- Online
- I don’t really like you
If I were to actually finish this I would use images specifically generated for the project, instead of random ones I pulled out of my computer and phone.
Hosting is free for this project because it’s just a quiz on Buzzfeed, and it took about 2 hours all told to make the prototype. For an actual release I’d estimate an additional 5 hours in image generation and expanding the questionnaire. Assuming $15/hour, it could cost around $105.
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