Approach 2_Alyssa DeMario

Self: Whats your mood?


I got inspired to create this app because myself and people around me don’t know how to handle their emotions sometimes. Being a college student and keeping with with school, family, relationships etc, tends to get a bit much sometimes. I wanted to create an app where people can go and read their current mood and have them see what they can do to help them get rid or keep their current mood.


Technology is very critical in our generation today. There has been new ways that have been created to discover self identity. I want to create an app on phones that is called “Self”. Self is going to be an app where everyday the user will hold down a button on their phone and the heat from there finger will detect the current mood they are in. The moods will be similar to a moon ring, but would be more basic. Such as happy, sad, excited, motivated, nervous, anxious etc. Then once the user finds out their current mood, their will be a quote that pops up that is similar to their mood. It will then list activities or things to do to either keep their mood the same or ways to change their mood. The user can then share their activities and their current moods to their “feed” and other people who use the app can see certain things they did to help how they are feeling in that moment.


I give credits to my roommates for this app because all four of us develop a different mood everyday and I got inspired on how many different moods each person can have a day, and something in their life can happen and change their current mood so quickly. Also doing research on moon rings, I wanted to develop that into something technology base that fits our generation today.


My budget for this project would not be much. I would have to create the app and have Apple allow me to sell it. It would be a lot of an everyday commitment and would be very time consuming. I would want to keep my app up to date as much as possible.