Approach 3 – TannerM
Again there’s a problem with the pictures, but picture the campus’s mall trees with black bags covering their base with white crosses in front of them to act as a grave.
In moving forward with this project I’ve decided to add a new element to this project. Not only with the trees be covered in black trash bags, but those covered in the trash bags will also have a white cross placed at their base to symbolize a tombstone to really make people know that these trees are “dead”. Also, to ensure people see the trees covered, this project will take place during the spring semester and will done on like the second to last week of school and will probably stay up until New Media night. However, it necessary this project could be taken one step farther and instead of doing it all during the spring semester, I could take samples and statistics of the fall semester, tally and add stuff up over winter break, and then cover the trees at the start of the spring semester and keep them covered until the spring semester is over. I’m not to sure which plan is best, but I’ll further works things out before this plan actually goes into effect.
The budget is pretty much the same with only one new addition.
Buy about 15 white crosses at $5.00 each, which would equal about $80
Buying a bunch of black trash: let’s say five which would equal about $50
Permission to collect and count the paper from the library.
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