Approach- AndreaJ

Last week during lab my group and I came up with the idea of creating a Collaboration Critique Café. It would be an event held at a local venue for people to sign up for a day and time to present their artwork and get some feedback on how to improve the piece by getting some constructive criticism from the target audience. We came across the thought process of this idea while looking through the problems and solutions listed of the website beautiful trouble, when we stumbled across the repair café in Australia it gave us the idea of having a place where people can improve their art rather than fixing an object. I think this would be useful to a lot of artists because we all lose our imagination from time to time.

The problem I want to solve is exactly that. Artists sometimes lose their inspiration when they don’t have the right motivation or feedback, that could be solved by sharing your work with others.  Sometimes others can give better feedback than you can give yourself and its always nice to know what the audience thinks considering they are the ones that get to enjoy the aesthetics of the piece whatever it may be.

I received some questions and feedback that i would like to clarify. For example someone asked how i would get people to volunteer for this event. I feel that if there was enough advertising, say posters around the high school or at a local rec-center then people would take advantage of the opportunity. Plus theres food, who would pass up food. And that was another concern i received. The question of how the event would go about being paid for. The people that go pay a five dollar fee at the door. It would go towards the cost of food for the event and if it costs anything to rent out a room at the local venue it would go towards that. Also a website would be used for people to sign up for their day and time to share. Other than that the website would have re-caps of previous meetings and pictures of the persons work. And i think a section to have before and after the critique pictures would be interesting to see how the piece changed.