Approach1- Jayson V
Gaming in Development
A lot of the time you hear the phrase “Development in gaming” or “Game in Development”, but for my approach I bring you Gaming in Development. This concept I bring to you is just that: the game must be developed further in order to advance. Though there is a trick to this, one must try to find what is most important to balance. I will develop a game that goes after the model of the gaming instrument triangle. This is to show that different ‘flavors’ of game can come out of the very same thing and must be balanced accordingly to achieve the flavor which one craves, like a gamer to a bag of cool ranch Doritos.
To begin, the game will have a point allocation system. Much like what you would see in an RPG to determine what kind of class your character will be. Now for tutorials sake it will have you put at least one point in for each to start out your game. This game will have you vicariously building the game up to what it can be. To start it will have all meters filled entirely up to be the best game it can be and you play through a tutorial level. The story will then take you to where the antagonist corrupts your game and it becomes null and void, though you, as the hero of this game have saved but three points out of the many that were lost. Which, instinctively, one would put one point into each. This starting point gives you basic movement, a level play through mechanic, and drawn lines for graphics, as if drawn on paper. It is then up to you to continue to rebuild and save your game.
The point of this is to show players that games are NOT just about the high octane graphics, nor is it about addictive game play. It is to show how the experience of the game increases as things stay in a correct balance. It shows that the best of games are not just pumped out, but that it takes time to cultivate and develop a game, else if one is to rush the game, it can end terribly. I plan to create this game in either Unity or Processing as a 2D platforming RPG. As time goes on in the game.
The look of the game will eventually go from this stick figure here, to something more along the lines of this bit of pixel art I created using a software called Piskel.
The feel of the game will start out like the classic Super Mario Bros. to something akin to Megaman X meets Zelda II or some other such platformer. It will just be a simple game that is built up to certain levels that make it seem complex. Showing that adding levels of complexity is sometimes a better way to go than graphical content, but other times making sure the graphics match the feel of that complexity while maintaining perfect functionality.
Budget: $0
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