Approach 2 – MarcD
Title: “mySITESEEINGpage”
One sentence summary/abstract:
Create a eye-catching, easy-to-use, personal web page that has all of the internet websites that you normally visit linked behind images you choose and arrange into a collage.
Are you tired of having a bunch of tabs open in your laptop or phone? Do you like to surf the web in your off time? Maybe you look at the same sites for school or work. Well, here is an easy way to get to your websites. It is called mySITESEEINGpage. Our service allows us to take images you select and/or create (or we can select images for you) along with a list of your favorite websites that you surf the most and combine these to customize an easy-to-use, space saving, creative collage website tailored just for you!
Above is an example of my SITE SEEING page (it’s like going ‘sight seeing’ only it’s virtual ‘site seeing’). Behind the pictures are website links I like to or need to surf…in order from left to right:,, fandango, steam, amazon,, soundtrap, facebook,,, gmail, youtube, and Instead of having a bunch of browsers open or googling for url’s, I have mySITESEEINGpage that allows me to just click on a picture and I can quickly watch videos, open emails, play games, connect with friends, find movies or the weather, and more.
One inspiration I had was an image of an art project collage that my sister made in high school which I used for my intent. A source I used was Adobe Spark that Joline suggested in the Autobotography Approach Assignment instructions. When reviewing past students’ Autobotography Approach projects I saw that IsaacS talked about how procrastination keeps him from creating and his project helps solve that problem. For me being disorganized holds me back and stresses me out. I think mySITESEEINGpage would help anybody stay organized, save space and time, and keep important websites at their fingertips.
Simple Budget for Estimated Costs:
Estimate Costs/Charges:
- Consultation meeting with client about different collage layout possibilities and the websites they want to include – $100
- Laying out the URL links in a creative and personalized way and building the webpage collage – $ 300 – $1,000 (range from simple to complex collage)
- Creating icons/images – $ 500 – $1,000 (*optional; client can submit their own images to save money)
- Tech Support for accessing or uploading collage webpage to various technology devices – $ 1/minute (phone consult) $ 100 (in person we upload to all your devices)
- Maintenance/updates/additions to collage website – $10/month
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