Approach2 – StellaL

Approach2 – StellaL

In the Land of Google

My autobotography project is to make an animation illustrating Google’s influence on and infiltration of it’s hometown, Mountain View.

With this project I would bring to light the realities of the Silicon Valley with displaying Google’s interactions with society as interactions any city would have. This includes the buying out of Slater elementary school, marketing tactics that Google possesses such including Google bikes and sunglasses among other things, the gentrification of the neighborhood meaning people essentially getting kicked out of the neighborhood and being replaced by Google employees, Google self-driving cars, and the ultimate Utopia that Google tries to develop and is trying to develop. I would also show what Mountain View would be like without the tech industries it houses quite like what older industry towns have become (think abandoned industrial cities and coal towns). The audience for this project would include young adults and adults who have access to computers and are in more so technologically affluent societies.

This project was influenced by Young-Hae Chang Heavy In’ “Samsung Means to Die” and my experience in growing up in the Silicon Valley.

Budget: The animation would probably take me about 100 or so hours and at a $10 pay rate that would be $1000 dollars. I would do the animation myself.


One thought on “Approach2 – StellaL”

  • Good concept, but this is still in intent form. You need a visual tool, media or platform, and then an idea that can really shoe your story in that format. You might consider Adobe Spark Page–With a half dozen images (you can use personal ones and ones found on web (and you can create nice galleries), and some text–a few paragraphs, with some good headers and quotes, you could create a compelling web-narrative for this project.