People are able to portray themselves in whatever way they care to through social media. When it comes to identity anyone can, and they often do, portray an identity that isn’t authentic. This is something that social media users all come in contact with, or are a part of, but we don’t necessarily talk about it. I wanted to emphasize this fact by taking words from people’s mouths, and rearranging them in a way that portrays an alternative identity or set of ideas.
For this project, I plan on filming people with a prompt about social media, how they portray themselves on social media, if they think it’s an authentic portrayal, how they think others portray themselves, and if they think there’s an issue with that. In the above video, I filmed my friend Eliza, and rearranged her answers in a way that made her message mostly the opposite of what she originally intended and thought about the questions that were asked.
Rob Millett
Eliza D’anieri
DSLR Camera: $300
Time Spent Filming/Editing: $80
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