Author: adwilson336

FinalProject – AndrewW

Background: The basic idea for my final project is to draw attention to our crumbling infrastructure in an original way. It turns out that a new idea has been springing up in some other countries and has made substantial impacts in their local environments. The idea […]

Approach 1 – AndrewW

So, where does one park, when there are no parking spots?

EcoTech Approach – Andrew W

EcoTech Approach – Andrew W

How do we draw attention to our crumbling infrastructure in an original way? Flowers.

EcoTech Intent -AndrewW

For my EcoTech Intent I am taking inspiration from an article that I read outside of class. An artist from some foreign country, I believe Belgium, was getting very annoyed with pot holes littering the streets of his town. He sent many requests to the […]

Eco Tech Response – AndrewW, SophiaCC, TannerM

Plants could be supercharged to absorb more carbon dioxide Scientists at the Max Planck Institute in Germany have discovered a way to increase the CO2 consumption of plants from 5-10 molecules per second to 80. Visuals: 3-5 images set in a a gallery with the […]

Approach 2- AndrewW

Approach 2- AndrewW

Approach to App Clock Application, one application to rule them all. Watch, limit, and control all other apps on your mobile device.

Autobotography Intent – AndrewW

Autobotography Intent – AndrewW

This project is a tool to help the user discover just how much of their life is taken up by social media applications.

Response 2-AndrewW

  Jennicam was the first foray into lifecasting. Lifecasting raised a lot of questions about the relationship between people and technology. One question raised by this was what it meant to be someone on the internet, what was the relationship between people and their online […]

Hacktivism Intent- Andrew W

Hacktivism Intent- Andrew W

So, where does one park, when there are no parking spots?

Hacktivism Table?

1.Find a way to stop police Police brutality towards minorities . 2.Mobilize the people/ Distribute and connect info/ share what was inaccessible. The solution lies in eye implant cameras. Transparent society. Make all people have cameras implanted in their eyes . Record every day. Could […]

Response 1-AndrewW

  Response 1b. 1.Find a way to stop police Police brutality towards minorities . 2.Mobilize the people/ Distribute and connect info/ share what was inaccessible. The solution lies in eye implant cameras. Transparent society. Make all people have cameras implanted in their eyes . Record […]