Author: elizabeth.d.davis



BACKGROUND I wanted to create an app that allows users to share their tips and ideas with one another on how to reduce their environmental impact. DESCRIPTION This app will make you sign in so that you have a profile associated with your posts.  User […]



ABSTRACT I want to create an app that allows users to share their ideas and tips on how to minimize their environmental impact. DESCRIPTION This app will let users create posts that can be tagged so that they can search for keywords or categories.  Each […]



BACKGROUND I wanted to create an app that allowed users to share tips with each other on how to be more environmentally friendly.  These tips could  range from simple lifestyle changes, to even D.I.Y. projects reusing old materials (clothing, broken mugs, etc). EXPLANATION Dwindle is […]

Approach 2 – ElizabethD

Approach 2 – ElizabethD

SUMMARY I would like to create a website or an app that pulls all of the data that other apps/websites collect from you, and organize it into categories so that it is easy to navigate. BACKGROUND A lot of the projects that we looked at […]

Response 3 – ElizabethD

Response 3 – ElizabethD

1. Project Title, creator/artists, date, location Decoy Sea Turtle Eggs, created by Paso Pacifico, Central America 2. Brief Description Paso Pacifico is a conservation group based in Nicaragua who designed a decoy turtle egg concept aimed to combat illegal trade in sea turtle eggs across […]

Autobotography Intent – ElizabethD

Autobotography Intent – ElizabethD

MEDIA    SUMMARY I would like to create a website or an app that pulls all of the data that other apps/websites collect from you, and organize it into categories so that it is easy to navigate. ABSTRACT A lot of the projects that we […]

Response 2 – ElizabethD

Projects: Jennicam & Life Sharing Jennicam I chose to look at this project because of how seemingly simple it is, for how much of a cultural phenomena it was.  The project started in 1996 and lasted for roughly 7 years until new restrictions forced Jenny […]

Approach 1—ElizabethD

Approach 1—ElizabethD

Abstract One of the most commonly asked questions is how to make people passionate about a movement?  I think that video games are truly an art that users get close to, and I would like to build one that tackles the issue of prison reform […]

Hacktivism Intent – ElizabethD

Hacktivism Intent – ElizabethD

    What is your concept/idea? I wanted to create a video game where the user builds and plays a personalized character.  The user builds the character’s life by making decisions, but ultimately they end up in jail.  After serving time in jail and becoming […]

Response 1 (UPDATED with 1B) – ElizabethD

Response 1 (UPDATED with 1B) – ElizabethD

RESPONSE 1B 1- The American prison systems are harsh and really need reform.  It encourages future behavioral issues instead of successfully integrating ex-cons back into society.  This issue should seem more important to the American people, but most don’t care because they don’t quite understand […]