Approach2 – SarahS

Approach2 – SarahS


While I like that you’ve got some creativity in the format, I’m not sure you’ve solved the issues I wrote about in your intent. So these are the videos that interest YOU–why would they interest anyone else?

What I think might interest others is some kind of compilation video that uses clips from many or all of these to tell your story…maybe one video per month of your time since that high school debut.

An easy way to test this for an approach would be to create a “slideshow/gallery” post in which each slide would be a small youtube clip that would add up to a kind of portrait. At least it would give a small taste of what this youtube portraits would be like. BUT you must curate/edit and shape this for your own creativity to emerge.

This would be more likely to turn you into an active creator rather than just a passive consumer.



TitleHow YouTube Enhances My Creativity 

Pitch: YouTube is a form of New Media that can be used as a personal expression of, well, YOU. It can be used not only as a means of consumption but also as a way to boost creativity by seeing what others have created from all over the world. My installation will exhibit a series of YouTube videos that have made my creativity emerge. This installation in itself would be an active example of my creativity.



 I get the YouTube focus, but if you show only what you “consume” rather than what you “produce” then your creativity is truncated…less room for your own making, creating…so is there a way you can inject some personal creativity?

I realize that consumption is not as important as what is ultimately produced.


Design—not clear, but this may give you a chance to explore your own creativity…how would you show this? 


So these are the videos that interest YOU–why would they interest anyone else?


What tech are you using to create your reflection of youtube?


Audience—other young YouTubers?

My audience is other young YouTubers, as well as people my age that are interested in Creating. Creating as in — creating movies, creating photos, creating clothing, creating makeup looks. creating graphics, creating new technology. I want to inspire other Creatives to consume and then also produce their own ventures – be it YouTube or otherwise.


Creativity—i think if you had a theme , like “my education” or my values via youtube it might have more of a creative feel, and be more of a “mirror” try to find the creative angle—


An easy way to test this for an approach would be to create a “slideshow/gallery” post in which each slide would be a small youtube clip that would add up to a kind of portrait. At least it would give a small taste of what this youtube portraits would be like. BUT you must curate/edit and shape this for your own creativity to emerge.

This would be more likely to turn you into an active creator rather than just a passive consumer.





Background: YouTube is the first platform of it’s kind. Created in 2005, it ” allows users to upload, view, rate, share, add to favorites, report, comment on videos, and subscribe to other users.” (Wikipedia) The estimated number of videos on YouTube is 5 billion, with a total of 1,300,000,000 users who actively use the platform. With all these videos and users, where am I in the grand scheme? This is what I want to review.

Explanation: For my project, I want to make a portrait of myself via YouTube videos. I will have one video per month of my time since I started watching in high school. The videos would just be quick clips of each video and ultimately it would be a living, moving Portrait of me, via YouTube. I think this project would allow me to give a small taste of the YouTube videos and it would overall shape into a portrait of me. I think this would be a cohesive projection of my own creativity. It would exhibit my consumption of YouTube but more importantly, it would make me an active creator because I would be taking the videos and making them my own through the portrait.

Credits: There are a lot of people to credit for this project. Namely, those who have made the videos that I’d be sharing.

Budget: One 20 inch monitor is about $60, so for 10 monitors I’d need about $600 +tax for those. I’m hoping that I’d be able to link my computer to each monitor? Though honestly, I’m not sure how that would work, so I’ll budget for 8 computers as well. A refurbished laptop is $200, so that would be $2000 +tax. YouTube is free, so that’s an easy gimme. The installation itself I would estimate to be $500+taxes. I would need a venue to display my installation. I couldn’t find much information on this price, so I’ll set it high at $1000 +tax. To advertise my installation I’ll make posters, flyers, and social media advertisements. An Instagram advertisement is $6.70 per 1,000 views. I’ll set my budget for this at $100 +tax. Printing out posters and flyers is less of an advertisement, so I’ll spend less on printing, maybe $80 +tax. Finally, I’ll provide drinks and snacks for my exhibition – $200 +tax. Total: $4,380 +tax


Test Youtube playlist

[yotuwp type=”username” id=”OneDirectionVEVO” ]

One thought on “Approach2 – SarahS”

  • Yes! Nope, that’s clear. Thank you for the playlist…I didn’t realize this was updated totally (This was definitely not the final post, I’m still working on answering the questions). I’m still working on the approach, I will have it fully finished by Thursday!