Autobotography Approach

Create an Approach or ‘mock-up’ for project based on your Autobiography Intent.
An approach looks like a finished project, but because you can navigate or present the project, you can hide those aspects not fully complete. The project looks complete, but some implementation details may not be fully rendered. Note that “looks complete” means that it has enough content or data to look like a fully functioning project, rather than just a template. If your project is crowdsourced, you need a crowd to fill in the content.
You might use many other formats: sculpture, origami, gameboard, video, etc as long as the projects has a conceptual connection to New Media concepts and strategies.
What makes a strong Approach?
- Strong concept
- Good and sufficient content (is there enough of it to really show how the project will work)
- Clear, functional and appealing design
- Good use of or planning for, or analysis of technology
- Clear attention to specific audience (age, interests, accessibility, usefulness, etc)
- Looks complete even if it’s not coded, or fully functional (eg game review makes game look finished, screenshots of APP on App Store, short video that SHOWs project with visuals and clear explanation ).
Most of these are part of Project Feedback Form.
Adobe Spark–post, page, video, are good ways to create fast approaches; tutorials are easy and can be found:
Cheat: Review Autobiography Approaches from past student projects to get some ideas and examples.
Your Approach should include the following (use these 4 titles in your post) :
- Title
- One Sentence summary/abstract
- Visuals: what does the project look like? …give 2-4 images
- Background: this gives any brief info the viewer needs to better understand the project; e.g. what is the issues you are addressing?
- Explanation: while the project should be able to stand on its own, this section allows you to give any brief info for the viewer
- Credits: who was involved, or what sources or inspirations you had for the project. Mention specific classmate feedback, for example.
- Simple budget for estimated cost.
- Post Title: Approach 2—FirstnameL (L=lastname initial)
- Post Format: Standard
- Post Category: Approach 2
- (do not use the “Assignment” category which I reserve for the assignment instructions)
If you make a revision, just add the new material to the original post (keeping original content), with notes to show what’s new, and add the category “Revision”.
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