Autobotography Approach – AlexM

Autobotography Approach – AlexM

A application that allows you to have a blank avatar which you can then add scars to, attach the story behind each scar, and then share with others.



The purpose of this application/web based program is to create a new way of telling others about yourself through a visual means. Scars can often make up a lot of who we are as they each represent a story about ourselves. Other people can see them, but it is often a story left in the dark to them. This application will be a way to show other people these stories which make you who you are.



Maybe it is because I’m a guy (and this does seem to be very much a guy thing, not that woman aren’t interested too) but I’ve always liked to show off and talk about the different scars that I have to my friends. My idea is for this application to allow it’s users to use a blank avatar and draw scars onto it representing their own, and to then attach a brief story onto it. Of course, scars you don’t want to share simply don’t need to be added, and for some the story may be forgotten but can still be added. Some scars fade over time or are less noticeable, these would be more of a pinkish color while the bigger, noticeable scars would be red, to stand out more.

These avatars can then be shared with others who can in a way “explore” someone else’s body and read all the different stories as to how the scars came to be. You would be able to share your avatar publicly or privately among friends. There would also be an option to scroll through the avatar’s age and see how all the scars accumulate on someone over time.



Time- Maybe 20-30 hours of coding back-end and the user interface with a group of people working.

Cost- If using a group of 3 programmers, ~$30-50/hour if they are paid. So anywhere around $600-$1500 so as to not under-estimate.