Autobotography Approach — FrankS

Background: This unity game is about experiencing ethical dilemmas and being able to figure out aspects that the players hold true t themselves. Many of these questions will be hard to answer and don’t have and right or wrong answers. The only way the player will be judged is on certain categories of aspects. Each time a question is answered a certain number of points is allocated to a certain aspect that could explain the way the player thinks. Once the person is done going through the game their points will be put into a database where everyone can see who choose what answer to what question. What’s going to be most interesting to me is seeing what answers are chosen most frequently.

Explanation: How this game works is that the player will be walking through and old hospital where he/she will encounter different people or creatures that are stuck in certain situations. You then can choose to either help them or just let them be but every action counts as a decision. So if you leave every person you come across alone then that counts as a decision that you make. I wanted there to be some sort of repercussion if the player made certain decisions so I decided to put in an entity that gets more and more aggressive based on the player’s actions. Addition to gaining points through actions in the actual game there will be a series of books around the game that the player can interact with. When a player interacts with a book a question will appear that the player must answer and this will also allocate points. I also would like to put in smaller details but also affect the overall outcome such as interesting items that the user can pick up and use to make certain situations easier which could change the allocation of certain points just to make things repayable and give more variety to the game. There really is no overall story to the game but there is a horror theme that I used purposely to make the player uneasy and anxious just to make the situation have a more serious vibe.

Credit: I took some inspiration from different games that I have played that have put me as a player in different situations such as this. I also used a lot of the feedback that I gained from many of my classmates. Lastly I got most of the attributes from The Center Nonviolent Communication on their needs inventory page that lists certain needs that humans strive for.

Budget: With the free hospital environment that I found I no longer need to spend money on textures but I have realized that I need to put more time into this project than I though. The time needed will probably be around 50 hours in total which includes finding all of the resources, coding the game, creating the UI, and working out any issues that I come across.