Autobotography Approach- JaysonV

World To a Wolf

A few image stills for the online avatar I will use. More variations of each face will be used for the end product.


World to a wolf, a sort of sugar coated spin on Neurotically Yours – Foamy the Squirrel, will attempt to engage its audience in conversations of the intellectual kind. Offering food for thought, bringing up sensitive issues and offer insight on how they can be resolved, or even just spouting an opinion on something that the audience may or may not agree with.  Either way, there are issues in the world that need to be brought up, or need to be thought about before anything can be done. Sort of like the philosopher Socrates, it will offer knowledge which in hopes will turn into wisdom of the audience.


The over arching issue that this presents in itself is that there are too many people it seems that speak  and act without even thinking. This should be the worlds priority to fix, not so much educate, but to make people think more often. If we attempted to educate everyone how to act, then that is more of a fascism or dictatorship and I’m pretty sure how well that works out. Through a slough of rational reasoning and insight, along with some shock factors such as offensive jokes, serious conversation, and even strong language, World to a Wolf will borderline abuse the first amendment rights to get other minds to jumpstart in a spiderweb of thought.

With issues such as politics (which will not be obscured through a college prose vocabulary which we all use for speeches) , touchy subjects, and any factual matters, then extensive research will be done before executing the rant and/or discussion. Otherwise, such as third world issues, first world issues, everyday annoyances,  something specific that happens that is just plain annoying and akin to pure idiocy, or some sort of opinion that I would feel needs to be shared, will be approached with comedy or satire. This will definitely not be geared towards the younger viewing audience so viewer discretion will be advised.


If I were to do this in a working environment, I would have to say at least $5.00 per minute of video that is recorded or $7.00 per 1,000 views as this would be based on YouTube possibly.

The first few videos I would possibly make would be about simple subject matter, such as the ‘Trump loves hate’ thing on the internet, games, simple everyday matters, even just personal opinion, rant, story, or skit posts.

First 10 videos:
Too much Trump
Horror games
On the Job enjoyment
Grocery Prices
Crappy Drivers
Wild Children
Salt Immunity