Autobotography Intent — MatthewL
The self social network.
This project will be based on the idea on creating a social network of sorts focused towards inventors, engineers, makers and those curious about hacking and development. Those who use this system will have the ability to track their own work and could use it to view self improvement. This project will allow its users access to view others posted works, critique them, and develop their own portfolio(s).
This system will allow users to post say for example a project that they are working on. Hopefully they will have the steps of development and talk about the process that they went through when doing so. When the project is posted others will be able to see it, ask questions, and critique it. Over time when doing these projects users will develop and improve skills needed to make more impressive and intricate projects. As these skills progress and users develop more projects they will be able to develop portfolios and share their work. These portfolios will be able to show progression in skill and shown off ones work.
“There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self.” – Ernest Hemingway
Really the goal of this project is not to try and show how much better you are over someone else. It is to track ones own progress (this system will try and help nurture that). To be able to say this is where I started and this is where I am now. It is to first be a self recognition of progress capable of being shared.
Assuming a low cost development team is hired.
Consulting / Research: 1 week 30 hours x $25 = $750
UX design: 1 week 15 hours X $25 = $375
Back End Development 3 days 20 hours x $25 = $500
Front End Development 2 days 15 hours x $20 = $300
User Testing 4 days 30 peers x $5 = 150
Improvements / Bug Fixing 3 days 15 hours x $25 = $375
Hosting Services $200 yearly for server space.
$10 yearly for a domain name.
Total: Roughly a month costing $2,450 + $210 yearly.
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