Autobotography Intent 2- SarahS

Autobotography Intent 2- SarahS

YouTube is a form of New Media that can be used as a personal expression of, well, YOU. I want to explore how this platform truly expresses me and my life.

I watch a lot of YouTube. I use it both as a tool to educate and also as entertainment.

I think it would be interesting to use the videos I watch as a representation of myself. I could create some kind of art installation of the videos I’ve watched over my lifetime that I’ve been on YouTube. I would like to start with the first YouTube video that I can watch (or the first one I can find) along with a bunch of others throughout my life.

I would choose ones that I feel have had an influence on my life personally. I find that the juxtaposition of having someone else that: 1. I don’t know personally and 2. Created a video that is (most likely) personal to them; is interesting to show how we’re all connected as a society. Everyone is trying to be different, but we all share the same experiences and emotions.

Time Needed: 1 month

Materials Needed: YouTube, Monitors, Computers. That’s all I can think of (for now).

Budget: $1000 (mostly depending on the cost of monitors and renting space).