Autobotography Intent—AndrewG

Where are you happiest in life? With this app, you can observe your emotional trends wherever you are. A user is encouraged to open the app whenever they feel a strong emotion. If you have a great time at the beach, you would open the app, and it would immediately take a picture of your face, tying that image with the time and GPS data. From there, users are encouraged to write any specific details that triggered the emotion, like free ice cream. When you got home from the beach, you noticed your roommates still haven’t touched their mountain of dishes in the sink. Open the app, the app takes a picture of your angry face and stores it with the time and GPS data. You would then write down: “DISHES”, and hit submit. The goal of this project is to be able to explore a map with different colored clouds that would represent the emotion you felt in that area. Having this information lets you visualize on a real interactive map where you are happiest in life, allowing you to literally avoid the bad things in life. Once enough data is gathered on locations and the emotions they cause you, there will be a 24 hour timelapse that will represent how time, alongside place, affects your emotion throughout the day. You can look through the selfies by categories based on emotions allowing you to compare your angry features to your happy ones, and hyper-stressed features.



Time, 6 months (Meet twice a week for updates)

Programmers, a team of 5

Pizza for meetings, $50

Meeting space, (could be free?)