Autobotography Intent – AndrewW

Social Media Clock App
The idea for this application is relatively simple. This application runs in the background of your phone and tracks how often you are on your phone throughout the day. However it takes it a step further and records how long you spend on the different applications. Surfing through Instagram, communicating through Snapchat, or grinding in a mobile game you will be tracked. You can then go into the application and see just how much time that you spend in each of these, displayed on a 24 hour scale.
What is so important about this application? It is a very useful tool in reading how people you know represent themselves using New Media tools or techniques. It reveals something about that persons sense of self, their sense of identity and its link to their online identity. This project serves as a reflection of the user and give a visual representation of their dependance to their technology.
Estimated Budget:
Google play one time startup fee: $25
Coding Website: At least 30 hours (not good at coding): 20$X 30 +n = $600+n
Stylizing Website: 5 Hours for best results 20$ x 5 = 100$
Don’t need a computer to create product on or purchase any design applications.
Total: Around 35 hours i work and would cost around 700$ at 20 an hour.
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