Autobotography Intent—EvanL

  • Lost In Time & Mind
  • Time passes and memories get lost in our minds but the digital copies don’t forget, or do they.


  • This project will use and show parts of me and my past that I have forgotten. The idea is to take Vhs tapes and film negatives and keeps reprinting it till large amounts of digital degregation happen. The intent of this is to mimic the of my mind in a digital form. people always say tech cant forget its just data 1’s and 0’s. but data can be squeezed and changed, Much as your memories can be changed and manipulated by our mind. We remember things differently than the truth or thrown out the idea altogether. This is my digital record the way I remember it.
  • VCR player $35, cathode ray tube tv $20, VHS tape $10, Unseen trouble $50 (if adding photography +$150)

One thought on “Autobotography Intent—EvanL”

  • Concept—original and appropriate as analysis of tech memories and preservation/memory
    Design—ok, but might use more digital samples, as VHS may be hard to work with in terms of time investment & tech available to demo
    Tech—see above
    Audience—people interested in digital preservation, tech memory, thoughtful tech users,
    Creativity—mostly in concept, but the way you show this could also be creative…