Autobotography Intent MarcD

Title: “My Site Seeing Page”
Images or graphics (2-3) that SHOW your idea
(keep upload images < 500K, use Preview to shrink images):
One sentence summary/abstract:
Create a eye-catching, easy-to-use, personal web page that has all of the internet websites that you normally visit. This webpage will be a collage of all of the websites such as Amazon, ESPN,, Youtube, etc. that people like to visit on a regular basis to get information, order things, for entertainment, and more.
2-3 paragraph description including how this project reflect a “self” that you might not have, or that you would have differently without new media technology:
People normally keep a bunch of different browsers open to look at their websites, or they have to type in URL’s every time they want to link to a site. Sometimes they forget a good website so they have to search Google or text a friend to find it again. I usually have a bunch of tabs open at one and it’s hard to find websites I want to browse. If you have your collage of favorite websites you can easily link to sites you like. The web page will be a collage of icons that you create or that or on websites that you click on to be linked to your favorite websites and if you want to put URL’s instead of an icon for some of your collage you can do that.
People enjoy looking through the internet as a way to clear their head in between homework assignments or work projects. They like to look through websites often instead of watching TV. If they are waiting in the doctor office or standing in a long line it is a way to pass the time or relax. People like to watch funny video clips or sports plays over and over or order things quickly. Having a collage of icons to link to your favorite websites can make that easier for a person.
The collage icon links make your webpage creative and individual to a person. The collage webpage makes finding things, videos, and even class web pages easy to find. It saves you time and you don’t have a problem of forgetting the URL’s. The icons you create or use from websites makes it visual and easier to look at a symbol instead of the letters and numbers or a URL.
Rough budget for: material, time, space needed to build (no project costs 0$, even if all you bill is your own time/labor. consider the cost of purchasing any materials you use, of paying for skill, research, time, labor etc.):
The technology needed would be uploading images a person has made, or they could give you photographs they took as well as imported images from things like their favorite sports teams or their college mascot. If they wanted you to do the creative part of the collage they could pay you. They would need a collage website and directions to add links. The web page collage could be accessed via phones, computers, ipods, etc.
The cost to build a personal collage webpage would vary depending on if the client supplies their own images, etc.
Estimate Costs/Charges:
- Consultation meeting with client about different collage layout possibilities and the websites they want to include – $100
- Laying out the URL links in a creative and personalized way and building the webpage collage – $ 300 – $1,000 (range from simple to complex collage)
- Creating icons/images – $ 500 – $1,000 (*optional; client can submit their own images to save money)
- Tech Support for accessing or uploading collage webpage to various technology devices – $ 1/minute (phone consult) $ 100 (in person we upload to all your devices)
- Maintenance/updates/additions to collage website – $10/month
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