Autobotography Intent – MatthewB

Autobotography Intent – MatthewB


My project is a short film that I scripted that shows the existential crisis that is AI. I have decided to go with the creative title, “Cloud“.

When you think about it, simulating someone is a scary premise that will eventually come to life, no pun intended. This film would show a more artistic conception of what it is to be AI, and perhaps evoke some thoughts as to the technology and challenges that our generation and future generations will have to face.

Budget wise this would be a relatively cheap film as most of the equipment I have. The only things I would need for shots are a slider and perhaps some lighting equipment. Which if I were to buy it would be under 200$, but I have various connections that I would be able to produce these tools, making this project ‘free’. I would have to do some motion graphics in Adobe Premiere and Aftereffects, as well as either find a friend to act or hire someone separately. For location and time it would take at most a full day of filming (depending on lighting) and a week or two to edit.

Attached is an initial script, any critique is welcome.



One thought on “Autobotography Intent – MatthewB”

  • I’ll be honest, a dorm room is the most over used, cliché setting for a student film ever, and I don’t think many people would enjoy the short because of the limitations a dorm room creates. You’d have much more control over lighting and the set if you shot in an apartment or a relatively unused office somewhere on campus. Your main character’s line about “all he’s ever wanted” could probably be a little more ambiguous– you might direct your actor to be thinking about how this is all the character has wanted for a long time and it’s finally coming to fruition.