Autobotography Intent – MegC

Autobotography Intent – MegC

Autobotography Intent – Growing Up in a Digital World









I realized a while back that, for my entire life, I’ve been surrounded by technology and the digital world, I want to put together a collection of images and stories form my past as a representation of myself growing up in this technological world.



I have access to many photos and videos of myself growing up, and in many of these videos I’m interacting with some form of technology, whether that be the camera itself, a computer, or an electronic game. I want to go through my past as an exploration of just how much electronic technology has influenced me and how prevalent it’s been throughout my life.

Seeing how much technology has been a part of my life growing up, I really believe that I would be a different person. Socially, technology has been a way for me to connect to other people. Developmentally, technology has been a way for me to grow and learn differently any other generation before me. I’m interested in just how influential this has been in my life



I have all the materials I need (computer, old videos, softwares, etc.) so there will be no monetary cost for materials. This project, however, will require hours of looking though old videos and photos as well as setting up the project online. At state minimum ($10 per hour) I believe that cost will be between 50-100 dollars.