Autobotography Intent—MitchF

Autobotography Intent—MitchF
  • Title:

    Music Lineage


  • Images or graphics (2-3):



  • One sentence summary/abstract: This would be an art piece in which musicians could share the timeline of their musical ventures.


  • 2-3 paragraph description including how this project reflect a “self” that you might not have, or that you would have differently without new media technology:

As a lover of music, I always want to know and hear more about musicians that I love. The idea for this project would be an interactive art piece in which artists would be able to share their story in a visual timeline. The medium for this piece would simply be a website. This timeline would include text, sharing a story through words. However the emphasis of the piece would be revolved around audio clips (old recordings, voice memos, rough recordings of old songs, etc). These audio clips would be placed in the timeline and could tell a musician’s story, as well as show their progression throughout their life and career.

As a musician myself, I’m very selective as to what I share with the world, as are most musicians. I feel embarrassed about old recordings from when I was younger, as well as rough recordings of me humming and playing mediocrely. However, I love to hear these recordings of other musicians, as it helps me better understand the process of a musician, as well as see their progress. So, although most musicians probably wouldn’t be crazy about people hearing crappy old recordings of them, perhaps if it was presented in a way that shows a story and a progression, it could be a very insightful and attractive piece.

Imagine if you were able to see the development and growth of some of your favorite musicians. It would be amazing. Not only would you be able to see these things, but you would be able to better understand these musicians’ influences. And in the end, it would give you a greater appreciation for the artists and songs you already love so much.


  • Rough budget for: material, time, space needed to build (no project costs 0$, even if all you bill is your own time/labor. consider the cost of purchasing any materials you use, of paying for skill, research, time, labor etc.):


Web design: $1,000

Web Host: $120 annually