Approach 2

Approach 2 – JakeB

Approach 2 – JakeB

“More than Mine”

This project seeks to represent how ad agencies see our shopping history as who we are.

Approach 2 – Sophia CC

Approach 2 – Sophia CC

No-one presents the same self to everyone, presentation will shift depending on the person, disposition towards them, even the time of day; this project allows users to explore different selves of someone that they would not otherwise have access to.

Approach 2_TylerR

Approach 2_TylerR

Title: Waves   Abstract: A social app that is based on connecting you to the rest of the world through sound.   Visuals:   Background: Most social media apps today are engineered to take your time and turn it into their profit. They use tactics […]

Approach 2—RyanL

Approach 2—RyanL

Broken This app allows you to share dark things from your past, while connecting with other anonymous users and their own experiences that also want to get stuff off their chest. Visuals:  Background: The problem in today’s world is that many people have “skeletons in […]

Approach 2—AndrewG

Approach 2—AndrewG

Where are you happiest in life? This app allows you to track how your environment influences your emotions and can help you avoid some stressors if you choose.

Approach 2—MitchF

Approach 2—MitchF

Title: Music Lineage One Sentence summary/abstract: This would be an art piece in which musicians could share the timeline of their musical ventures. Visuals: what will the project look like when built…give 2-4 images: Simple mock up of what Music Lineage homepage would look like: Example web […]