
Autobotography Intent – ElizaB

Autobotography Intent – ElizaB

For this project, I’d like to create a photo-based online platform/application specifically for hikers and adventurers on a national to global scale.

Response 2 – ElizabethD

Projects: Jennicam & Life Sharing Jennicam I chose to look at this project because of how seemingly simple it is, for how much of a cultural phenomena it was.  The project started in 1996 and lasted for roughly 7 years until new restrictions forced Jenny […]

Response 2-AndrewG

Modern Living: Many of these animations represented conflicts with the selves we wear in public and the selves we truly are. One, for instance, has a man removing a layer from his face and flies buzz out from the removed layer. This makes me think […]

HaleyC-Autobotography Intent

HaleyC-Autobotography Intent

Abstract In the world we live in today, the “news” has become something of an unreliable thing. I want to see how people get their news and if they believe it, share it, or do nothing about it. Synopsis The news used to be something […]

Autobotography Intent – JackL

Fog of (cool name here) This is an application you can install on your phone that will create a map of the world that is covered in fog. By exploring through the fog, you can remove it, uncovering the map underneath, similar to the “Fog […]

Autobotography Intent – IanD

Autobotography Intent – IanD

Autobotography Intent – Talking to Myself   Abstract I want to create a digital version of myself that I can talk to. I will use the Lyrebird API to replicate my voice, hook it up to a chatbot that is trained on my digital persona […]

Autobotography Intent 2- SarahS

Autobotography Intent 2- SarahS

YouTube is a form of New Media that can be used as a personal expression of, well, YOU. I want to explore how this platform truly expresses me and my life. 

Autobotography Intent – MegC

Autobotography Intent – MegC

Autobotography Intent – Growing Up in a Digital World               Abstract I realized a while back that, for my entire life, I’ve been surrounded by technology and the digital world, I want to put together a collection of images […]

Autobotography Intent – MatthewC

Autobotography Intent – MatthewC

Summary: For this intent I would like to create a website and or a blog where people can share new music of unknown artists that they have found on the internet and write about what they feel about them and the art they are creating right […]

Autobotography Intent MarcD

Autobotography Intent MarcD

    Title:  “My Site Seeing Page” Images or graphics (2-3) that SHOW your idea (keep upload images < 500K, use Preview to shrink images): One sentence summary/abstract: Create a eye-catching, easy-to-use, personal web page that has all of the internet websites that you normally visit.  This webpage will […]

Autobotography Intent – TateY

Autobotography Intent – TateY

By using YouTube to tell my story and ambitions to make films, create music, and collaborate with like minded and creative people, I plan to create “vlog-like” videos where I show and share my process of creating a space for such collaboration to occur, and in doing so, connect with others, first in a digital sense and then in a physical, tangible sense.

Intent 2 – CullenS

Intent 2 – CullenS

Reality Now is a social media application focused on showing the realer, and honest side of social media.

Autobotography Intent – AndrewW

Autobotography Intent – AndrewW

This project is a tool to help the user discover just how much of their life is taken up by social media applications.

Intent 2 – StellaL

Intent 2 – StellaL

Inspired by “Samsung Means to Die,” my project would be to create an animation showing the influence of Google throughout the Silicon Valley, specifically the city of Mountain View.

Autobotography Intent_TylerR

Autobotography Intent_TylerR

I propose an idea to create an app that is surrounded around capturing and sharing the sound around you in its raw form.   Most social media apps today are geared towards people’s visual perception. Granted when we use our phones or computers to view […]

Autobotography Intent – LiwenC

Autobotography Intent – LiwenC

Personalized Word Cloud People are communicating with others more and more through their phones using text based apps. Whether its with old friends, or people that you have just met. The main idea of this project is to let people see interesting visual representation of […]

Autobotography Intent – RyanL

Autobotography Intent – RyanL

Broken App/Website This app allows you to share dark things from your past, while connecting with other anonymous users and their own experiences that also want to get stuff off their chest. This project reflects not only my own self, but the self of human […]

Autobotography Intent – PerryA

Autobotography Intent – PerryA

Summary : For this intent I would like to create a website or blog where people can share pictures and stories about the the physical objects that they use everyday. Description : The objects that people use on a daily basis can tell a lot […]

Autobotography Intent—ElliotC

Autobotography Intent—ElliotC

This project will manage the development of an interactive Web environment for exploring a musician’s work throughout time.

Autobotography Intent – JakeB

Autobotography Intent – JakeB

This project seeks to expose data mining as a problem that dehumanizes consumers in the eyes of ad agencies and online stores.

Autobotography Intent—EvanL

Lost In Time & Mind Time passes and memories get lost in our minds but the digital copies don’t forget, or do they.   This project will use and show parts of me and my past that I have forgotten. The idea is to take Vhs tapes and film negatives […]

Response 2 LiwenC

Autobotography Response  JennyCam   Jenny Cam can be described as the first reality tv show or streaming show of the world. It was first started in 1996 by Jenny in her college dorm, and it lasted a whole seven years. That’s a long time before […]

Autobotography Intent – KeeganD

Autobotography Intent – KeeganD

  Life Chart would be a cross-platform application that tracks how long you spend on various social media sites, application, web-browsing, etc. and breaks it all down for you in an easy to read pie chart.   In today’s world,  we often spend countless hours […]

Autobotography Intent — DrakeP

Autobotography Intent — DrakeP

A look into how different technologies affect my everyday life. Give me things different things to use or take them away to see what happens.

Light Cube – LorenH

Light Cube – LorenH

Autobotography Intent Abstract: I want to make two “light cubes” that are shared between two people across a distance that are interactable, so when one person interacts with their cube, it has an effect on the other person’s.   Description: I want to make two […]

Response 2 PerryA

Smart Clothing The conveniences that the author of this article was trying to provide to the public with this wearable technology can today mostly all be done with just a smartphone. The mirror that this creates on what it means to be human is dependance […]

Response 2-AndrewW

  Jennicam was the first foray into lifecasting. Lifecasting raised a lot of questions about the relationship between people and technology. One question raised by this was what it meant to be someone on the internet, what was the relationship between people and their online […]

Intent 2 – SophiaCC

No-one presents the same self to everyone, presentation will shift depending on the person, disposition towards them at the time, even the time of day; this project would allow users to explore different selves of someone that they would not otherwise have access to.

Response 2 MarcD

Steven Mann’s Wearcam and Shooting Back:   Wearcam and Shootingback are inventions that retrace snippets of one’s daily physical life.   They may have been considered outlandish and ultra modern but are quickly becoming the new norm of humans’ desire or need to video the events […]

Response 2 AlexM

Autobotography Intent-ColeT I found that the idea of creating a 3D representation of your life to be an intriguing way to express the important aspects in your life. It is these events in one’s life which help to make up each individual’s personality. Despite this, […]