Classwork 1

Table 4

Group Members: Andrew, Elizabeth, Jake, Ryan, and Tanner Strategy: 1. Fake News Articles. 2. Blackout. 3. Fake Prices. 4. It’s a Trap. Definition: 1. Expose the University of making students pay more than they should. 2. Attack electronic systems that keep the campus running. 3. […]

Table 1

Strategy Name: Headphone jack’d Intent: To protest against the subtraction of the headphone jack from the iPhone after generation 6. Example: Drill holes in thier apple phones to protest how apple updates phones to make the older models perform worse than the current models. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ […]

Table 7 Strategies

Strategy: Crowdsourcing Define Strategy: Distributing the work(fund, information, etc) a project would need among a group of willing participants. Application: Community Garden. Have an area where people can go to grow foods for the community to be able to eat fresh and healthy food.   […]

Table 3 strategies Stella Ligon, Evan Loignon, Cam Bilodeau, Matt Carlson

(tactic) Creative disruption- to disrupt PR efforts in an outlandish way that wouldn’t be expected. Fly an RC helicopter in a repetitive shape at a leader (flying feminine products/coal at Trump giving a speech)

Table 2 Strategie

Term (Strategy):Mobilize People Definition: To mobilize is to energize people on the streets or other public spaces, especially using mobile devices such as smartphones or tablet computers like iPads. Example (Original): People with blue passes park in black parking lots because I suppose it’s considered […]

Table 6 Strategies — Andrew Gardner, Bruce Wilson, Kaleb Penn, Cullen Shortt

Colleges are charging a higher tuition, however, students feel as though they aren’t getting the education they are paying for. Financial costs in colleges are putting more strain on students’ wallets and therefore students are struggling to afford education. People check public records of the […]

Hacktivism Table?

1.Find a way to stop police Police brutality towards minorities . 2.Mobilize the people/ Distribute and connect info/ share what was inaccessible. The solution lies in eye implant cameras. Transparent society. Make all people have cameras implanted in their eyes . Record every day. Could […]