Intent 1

Hacktivism Intent – RyanL

Hacktivism Intent – RyanL

  Hacktivism Intent – TrackFetch The music industry is unfair, and doesn’t give a chance to anyone who wants to make music from their own home. at least one paragraph for each of the following My idea is that I create an app that allows ANY music-enthusiasts […]

Hacktivism Intent #1 – Blockchain Club

Hacktivism Intent #1 – Blockchain Club

Blockchain Club The technological world is currently experiencing its fifth disruptive paradigm adoption, and all but the most off-handed mention of it is absent in UMaine, we want to fix that. what is your concept/idea Blockchain technology, which is what bitcoin is built on, as […]

Hacktivism Intent 1  – Tate Yoder & Tyler Rollins

Hacktivism Intent 1 – Tate Yoder & Tyler Rollins

Visualizing Extreme Possibilities of Gerrymandering Gerrymandering is the act of manipulating the boundaries of an electoral constituency or district, to favor a certain political party – though complicated in theory and understanding and how it’s is done, we propose that visualizing the extremes of gerrymandering […]

Hacktivism Intent-JackL

Hacktivism Intent-JackL

Internet Social Compass (ISC) Abstract: ISC is the all-in-one web browser application that allows you to manage all your social media without ever having to switch tabs. The idea is to create a simple and easy way to keep track of all the social media […]

Hacktivism Intent 1 – SarahS

Hacktivism Intent 1 – SarahS

Child marriage in the United States is a silenced issue, swept under the rug. The only way to change the law is to create awareness, which is the aim of my project.

Hacktivism Intent – CullenS

Hacktivism Intent – CullenS

This Hacktivism Intent deals with provided meals and donations to low income families in local school systems, through the use of social media and spreading awareness.

Hacktivism Intent – MeganC

Hacktivism Intent – MeganC

  Meme of trump being deported. This would benefit those who have experienced deportation directly or indirectly by showing them that there are others who believe that deporting people is wrong. This is important because it is raising a conversation around the decisions that Trump […]