Response 1

Response 1 – TannerM

I. What is New Media? Describe the hallmark characteristics of New Media.  How do you think this changes who has the power to “define reality” via the media?  Give an example of where this might be the case. (2-3 paragraphs) The two big characteristics of […]

Response 1—Evan Loignon

I. WHAT IS NEW MEDIA? Describe the hallmark characteristics of New Media.  How do you think this changes who has the power to “define reality” via the media?  Give an example of where this might be the case. (2-3 paragraphs) To me, the hallmark characteristics of […]

Response 1 – Kaleb Traverso-Penn

Kaleb Traverso-Penn NMD 206 What is New Media? The hallmark characteristics of New media are technologies that have helped or assisted the evolution and growth of the human existence. The reading talks about talks about transportation media. He first talks about land media: things like […]

Response 1

I. What is New Media

Response 1 – MegC

Response 1 – MegC

Describe the hallmark characteristics of New Media.   The hallmark characteristics of New Media are Individualized information that can be seen by an infinite number of people and that all the people involved in the creating the piece of media have equal control over the […]

Response 1 PerryA

WHAT IS NEW MEDIA? New media according to the article is the use of technology to bridge the incompatible characteristics of prior communication media. It’s hallmarks include personalized information that can be shared with anyone or everyone in the world, and whoever is involved has […]

Response 1 – TaylorP

Response 1B– Jack Lampinen & Tyler Rollins The New Media curriculum is poorly structured, communicated about, and executed. There needs to be student intervention in the creation process of said curriculum. There is no way for UMaine faculty to obtain an absolute understanding on what […]

Response 1 – Jake B

Response 1 – Jake B

What is New Media?: This article defines new media as Many-to-many interaction. The article compares new media to air travel, which has the benefits of water and land travel without having the drawbacks of either. Similarly, New media as many-to-many interaction has the personalization of […]

Response 1- PeterB

Response 1- PeterB

WHAT IS NEW MEDIA? Describe the hallmark characteristics of New Media.  How do you think this changes who has the power to “define reality” via the media?  Give an example of where this might be the case. (2-3 paragraphs)   New Media is definitely a […]

Response 1- Matthew Carlson

Response 1- Matthew Carlson

What is New Media? New Media is digital media that are interactive through technology that deliver’s us the opportunity to communicate. When referring to New Media, we think of it as being related to some form of computing, new media is able to be easily […]

Response 1 – AlexM

I. What is unique about New Media is that unlike the old media, the New Media has the ability to target each individual person with information that is relevant to them, and is able to do so with a potentially infinite amount of people at […]

Response 1-TateY

Response 1-TateY

I. WHAT IS NEW MEDIA? Describe the hallmark characteristics of New Media.  How do you think this changes who has the power to “define reality” via the media?  Give an example of where this might be the case. (2-3 paragraphs) The hallmark characteristics of New […]

Response 1 – CullenS

Response 1 – CullenS

RESPONSE 1B  Problem: YouTube’s Harsh Search Algorithms As many who frequent the site would know, YouTube’s methods of demonetization and striking videos based of both data and meta data has been a frequent issue for many of the site’s content creators. The algorithm is an […]

Response 1- DrakeP

Response 1- DrakeP

WHAT IS NEW MEDIA? Describe the hallmark characteristics of New Media.  How do you think this changes who has the power to “define reality” via the media?  Give an example of where this might be the case. (2-3 paragraphs   As the reading said, the […]

Response 1—ElliotC (updated)

Response 1—ElliotC (updated)

To begin to challenge corporations’ grip on society, as part of an ongoing project, I propose developing an semi-decentralized document-oriented computing platform that can integrate the abilities of traditional information technology systems into a single, cohesive system.

Response 1 (Updated)

Response 1 (Updated)

I. WHAT IS NEW MEDIA? Describe the hallmark characteristics of New Media.  How do you think this changes who has the power to “define reality” via the media?  Give an example of where this might be the case. (2-3 paragraphs) New Media could quite possibly […]

Response 1- HaleyC

WHAT IS NEW MEDIA? New Media is the content of what is being exchanged via the medium, many-to-many. There’re more than one medium a media can travel through, such as the interpersonal, mass medium and new medium. The new media is very powerful, making the […]

Response 1 – CamB

Response 1 – CamB

I. WHAT IS NEW MEDIA? New media is the communications we have that are offered to us because of technology. This new media makes it possible for everyone to be able to communicate with everyone and anyone. This is possible because there are things in […]

Response 1 – MarcD

I. What is New Media? Describe the hallmark characteristics of New Media.  How do you think this changes who has the power to “define reality” via the media?  Give an example of where this might be the case. (2-3 paragraphs) There seems to be a […]

Response 1 – Tyler R

Response 1 – Tyler R

I. WHAT IS NEW MEDIA? Describe the hallmark characteristics of New Media.  How do you think this changes who has the power to “define reality” via the media?  Give an example of where this might be the case. (2-3 paragraphs)   After defining the differences […]

Response 1 – StellaL

Response 1B Federal legislators, politicians, and some supreme court justices (generally speaking conservatives) fail to see the value in means that promote reproductive health such as birth control, sex ed, and access to abortion. These people in positions of power need to understand the benefits […]

Response 1 (UPDATED with 1B) – ElizabethD

Response 1 (UPDATED with 1B) – ElizabethD

RESPONSE 1B 1- The American prison systems are harsh and really need reform.  It encourages future behavioral issues instead of successfully integrating ex-cons back into society.  This issue should seem more important to the American people, but most don’t care because they don’t quite understand […]

Response 1 – LiwenC

Response 1 – LiwenC

I. What is New Media The hallmark of new media is behind the principle of “many to many”, and that is the reason behind the change is who has the power to “define reality ” with media. Ever since the invention of the medium that […]

Responce 1 – AustinT

What is new media?   Like explained many times in this article, new media is a way of transportation, the transportation of information, mainly through the way of technology. The platform that is used for the information to be distributed through isn’t what matters, what […]

Response 1 – SophiaCC

What is New Media? Describe the hallmark characteristics of New Media.  How do you think this changes who has the power to “define reality” via the media?  Give an example of where this might be the case.  I would like to start by stating that […]

Response 1-AndrewW

  Response 1b. 1.Find a way to stop police Police brutality towards minorities . 2.Mobilize the people/ Distribute and connect info/ share what was inaccessible. The solution lies in eye implant cameras. Transparent society. Make all people have cameras implanted in their eyes . Record […]

Response 1 – IanD

Response 1 – IanD

RESPONSE 1 I. WHAT IS NEW MEDIA? New media is a means of communication that incorporates technology and is based on the principle of “many-to-many”; allowing a dialogue to exist concurrently between many individuals in a community. For that reason, it is a mode of expression […]

Response 1-MitchF

Response 1-MitchF

1. What is New Media? Describe the hallmark characteristics of New Media.  How do you think this changes who has the power to “define reality” via the media?  Give an example of where this might be the case. (2-3 paragraphs   For the first half […]

Response #1 – Ian H

Response #1 – Ian H

I. What is New Media? Describe the hallmark characteristics of New Media.  How do you think this changes who has the power to “define reality” via the media?  Give an example of where this might be the case. (2-3 paragraphs) I found aspects of the […]

Response 1 — AndrewG

Response 1B Team members: Bruce Wilson Issue: Class not being canceled during stormy weather forced thousands of drivers into hazardous driving conditions. Proposed intervention: Attending a lecture shouldn’t put any aspect of well being in danger. Students should have access to lectures online and have […]