Eco Art Intent – MatthewL
The world and environment we live in quickly changing. Everything is getting warmer and warmer. Such proof of this would be the recent bleaching of the barrier reef. It is likely that this reef will not survive. We as humans are rapidly polluting, and changing the face of the world around us.
Most people do not see not seem to ever care… The few that do have started campaigns, projects and changed their live styles in support of our environment. What I propose to do is to build an application that does several things:
- Allows users to share before and after photos of our environment to show how it’s changed based on human interaction
- Allow others to share projects and discuss with other users publicly
- Discuss tips and tricks to help lower our footprint on earth
- Allows users to share everything said before with others in the world
The goal of all of this would be to help slow down our impact on the earth and if at all possible help reverse it.
“The earth laughs in flowers.” Ralph Waldo Emerson
Let’s help the earth laugh once again.
Barrier reef article:
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