EcoArt Approach – DanielA
An Inconvenient View 2: Crowdsource Boogaloo
(or How I Learned to Stop Caring and Love the Heat)
A crowd sourced production showing the effects of climate change around the world.
Based on feedback from the class, the process of View’s creation will include more crowdsourcing and collaborative production, rather than a full fledged Hollywood film’s approach. Although Google Earth does keep photos of the earth for a period of time,View will highlight the effects of climate change in the world in areas we generally don’t think about, and provide a very different perspective on the way we view climate change than a 2D aerial shot.
View will be, in it’s final form, a series of spheres that the audience can walk into to see 360˚ projection photos in a time-lapse. The time lapses will be of places around the globe that collaborators in the production live. Each 360˚ camera will take one picture a day, during the daylight hours, and it will be up to the collaborators who decide to erect the camera to maintain it over time. I would like to have at least one camera in each continent and/or different types of biomes– desert, rainforest, grassland, tundra, etc.– both including and excluding human populations. The culmination of this project would be a projection of the time-lapse of the photos showing the change in the environment over a number of years. Considering the drastic changes that are happening currently, I would probably only wait two years to gather the footage and produce View for public viewing.
This project is highly inspired by An Inconvenient Truth and Chasing Ice, two documentaries I mentioned in my Intent and in class. Ice is probably one of my favorite documentaries, and I’ve been a staunch believer in climate change since I was young enough to understand its implications.
Video Editing Software: $20 per month
Multi Lens 360˚ Camera: $1,500 each
Camera Upkeep per year: $1000 each
Travel & Expenses per Camera Curator: $2000
Design and Creation of Display Space for 360 Time-lapse: $10,000
Post Production (Editing, Marketing, Publishing): $10,000
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