EcoArt Approach- Jayson V

Katamari Gaiacy

My project, renamed Katamari Gaiacy, is a recreation of a Japanese game titled Katamari Damacy. In which you play as a little prince of the cosmos who must make new stars by rolling up what ever he can into a katamari. This is a more eco-friendly take on that, so instead of rolling up anything and everything, the katamari will consist of only litter and garbage I find laying around. To accomplish this I have constructed a base katamari using tinfoil and gold colored duct tape. To add on the litter, I am using a spray on adhesive so that they may stick without having to worry about adding layers onto the katamari. The overall goal is to create a rather large katamari of garbage to see exactly how much is on the ground just on my walking path every day using the concept of the popular game.

As in the game I will follow the games rules of small to large. Meaning that I cannot place anything that would be much larger or heavier than the katamari itself. For example, if I were to pick up a thumb tack with the katamari, then I’d be able to with ease, but I could not attach a styrofoam cup quite yet. The katamari must grow, as does the amount of litter with each passing day. I will also be taking into account the waste that I myself produce. Looking at the theoretical probability of ‘to litter or not to litter’ I will include 50% of the garbage that I produce. If I have a sandwich and half of the wrapper will fit on the katamari, I’ll cut it in two and stick half onto the katamari.

The reasoning for the gold duct tape is to provide a bit of symbolism. The gold, meaning to represent cleanliness, beauty, and sense of purity. Only to be covered up by the litter that I find out in the world, shortly consuming that beauty and blocking it out. In time I hope that this katamari, which started at a diameter of about half of my index finger, will grow into something much much larger as time goes on. It has already grown quite a bit just from about eight or so objects being added.


The budget stands at being about $4 for the duct tape I purchased, another $4 for the sandwich’s (weird as it is) foil that it was wrapped in, and yet another $4 for the spray adhesive and adding on that $4 for each can I may need.