Ecoart intent, JacobH
Giving Tree Water Filter
My idea for this project is to create a water filter that collects rain water, filters it, and can be taken by anyone with a cup. It will also have a 3d printed tree on top.
This will function as an art piece and a statement, it will also give something to the economy in an environmentally friendly way. The tree asthetic will make it more visually appealing, but it will also be symbolic. Water is crucial to human life, and a tree is something provided to us by nature. While trees don’t typically provide us with water, it will still send the message that we can get what we need to survive from nature. On top of that, it will provide people with clean drinking water that doesn’t have the chemicals in it that tap water often does.
The water filter will be made, not bought. The supplies needed for this portion are gravel, sand, charcoal, and a bottle of some kind to hold it. Two 50lb bags of gravel and sand add up to about $7.45, but I don’t need that much so I would like to find someplace that sells smaller portions. A cheesecloth costs about $3. The bottle will probably come out of my trash can.
The tree will be 3d printed from the schools 3d printer. I am unsure exactly how much this will cost, but I will set aside $10 for it.
2 thoughts on “Ecoart intent, JacobH”
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A part of this project aquires the use of a 3D program to create the object and then a 3D printer to print it.
The new media strategy for this appears to be the many to many strategy because it’s trying more people to participate in this activity.
There don’t appear to be issues with this project I can see because you appear to have all the tools you need.
This project is interesting because it offers a new way to filter water and how to measure what is specifically inside it.
The project is pretty well planed and offer a good example of how the water will filtered during the process.
This project does grab my attention because it was well planned and offers a good representation of how it will look.
The project appears to have all the required materials and won’t have a hard time finding more if needed.
The cost of this project appears to be reasonable and doesn’t require a lot to be spent on supplies because the university appears to have most of it.
The audience that is intended for this project appear to be for people who want to make purifying water easier and being able to better filter it.
The appeal of the project is for people who want to get more involved in the environment and improve different water supplies that we use every day.
The creators passion appear to come from how water was where he used to live and that he had to pay to receive it instead of getting from natural sources and this inspired him to build way to filter out water from a natural source.
This idea bring a new concept of how to use water and filter from different sources that we wouldn’t normally use.
You mention that you would use a bottle from your trash can for the filter receptacle, but why? I would assume that someone who comes across this installment and notices the filter mechanism inside an old plastic bottle- they wouldn’t want to drink from it. I’m behind you with the overall concept, but I do encourage you to think from a perspective of design aesthetic and functionality. I would assume that with each rainfall you would want to collect as much water as possible, so that more would be available to drink. It doesn’t always rain super hard, and so a receptacle that can collect a lot of water would more likely have a larger collection surface area. Perhaps this is installed on the gutters of houses, where more water runs off. Maybe do some research on rainwater harvesting. Texas and Ohio are among states devoting a considerable amount of attention to the issue or water scarcity, they have enacted numerous laws regulating the practice of rainwater harvesting.