Ecotech – CullenS

Need for Seed
Need for Seed would be an application that would allow users to send in pictures of their current location, and pay for seeds to plant within the area.
I think NfS (Need for Seed) would provide an easy experience for those who aren’t exactly environmentally inclined. Allowing users to submit their location and a picture of where they want to plant trees, flowers, and/or vegetables would help them get a lot of information they typically wouldn’t know. The application would provide them the knowledge of the best plants to place in the area. This would help avoid the chance of planting indigenous life, as well as giving you the chance to plant the best possible plants in the area.
I think this would be able to provide a self that many people these days don’t experience. I recently saw a post on social media that really made me think about this project. It was two sides of a picture, one with company logos, and the other with the outline of different types of leaves. The question was, which side can you name more of. Obviously, the majority of people could easily identify every brand logo, while the couldn’t name any of the plants on the other side. I think this is a pretty clear indication of the direction our current society is going. I think this easy to use app would allow users a better chance to get more in touch with nature, and the local environment.
This project reflects a self that I think is far too common to forget, and that is the environmental self. I think we become too infatuated with technology and the convenience of modern day life, without really ever looking at the environment around us, that provides these resources. The very thing that allows us to live the life we so much enjoy, is the thing we ignore the most. This project hopes to close the gap between one’s technological self, and one’s environmental self.
-Computer and smart phone with application making software: $1,500.
-Server: $ 1,000
-Around 6 months to develop a fully functioning and decent application.
-General rent of an apartment(space to work in) $600 A month.
-Purchasing a large amount of different seeds: $500
-Total for six months:
One thought on “Ecotech – CullenS”
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Cullen, great idea. I think this has potential. Check out Adobe Xd, you’ll be able to create a functional app (in terms of displaying screens/structure of the app). Would love to see this go forward.