Ecotech Intent

Review ecotech projects and readings and consider what issues “life generating” issues or technologies speak to you. What matters most to you about the living world? What gives you support, sustenance and/or pleasure?  Hone in on that and try to link it to some technology that you have seen or are curious about.

Come up with an idea for a project that reflects your interests and values. Be sure to describe the tools/technologies you would use you would use.

Consider this as a funding pitch for your idea. You have to get across a clear and compelling idea to someone who wold be willing to invest money in building it–this could be an ecological organization, a small local business, a start up fund, a New Media micro grant.

Cheat: You may want to review Response 3 presentations or  from past ecotech projects for some ideas.


  • Title
  • Images or graphics (2-3) that SHOW your idea
    (keep upload images < 500K, use Preview to shrink images)
  • One sentence summary/abstract
  • 2-3 paragraph description including how this project reflect a “self” that you might not have, or that you would have differently without new media technology
  • Rough budget for: material, time, space needed to build (no project costs 0$, even if all you bill is your own time/labor. consider the cost of purchasing any materials you use, of paying for skill, research, time, labor etc.)

Post with title: Ecotech Intent—FirstnameL, ( L=Last name initial)

Post Format: Standard

Post Category: Intent 3

Some useful tools:  

Adobe Spark Page, Post or Video

Adobe XD (if you have the Adobe Suite already, or can use IMRC 113 )