Ecotech Intent – AlexM
Community-based art projects created from trash as a way to attempt to clean our streets as a group together rather than as individuals.
In my hometown of Belfast, Maine, everywhere you walk in the downtown area you are sure to encounter art on the streets created by the various artists around. This is something that I have always liked about my community. There are also artists who focus on creating their projects solely out of trash, I can think of one such in my area, but there are also many examples of art created out of trash online as well. This is a good way of using trash to our advantage, but individuals are often not enough to keep an entire community clean this way. Art takes time, and trash continues to accumulate.
My idea is to combine the concept of art in our communities with the use of trash for creating it. Instead of individuals creating the art, the community does collectively. This puts the clean up of trash on a community level, encouraging everyone to grab the trash they see in order to add it to an art piece. There can be multiple projects running in different areas simultaneously in order to shorten the distance people would need to carry the trash.
Maybe about $100/month per project paid by the city to maintain them and provide supplies to put them together.
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