EcoTech Intent – BruceW

Title: Making it Big
Abstract: I want to make a live action video game about progressing in a corporation, but to succeed you must make Eco-Unfriendly decisions.
Description: The corporate world is always concerned profit. That’s why businesses exist – to make money. When you consider running a business entirely as a numbers game, it usually makes since to forget about the environmental consequences of corporate actions. Why should we recycle if it’s more expensive than throwing everything away? Why sell someone a product that lasts for 10 years when you could sell them 5 of them that break in 2? It’s the nature of big business to ignore eco-friendly tactics, which is exactly the problem I wish to explore.
For this project, I would like to create a live action video game that features actual footage of different business scenarios. I will take footage of 5 different levels of the business ladder from intern to CEO, and the player will answer the questions provided to climb. The player must endure a ten question quiz regarding different contextual environmental topics. If they answer the question in an eco-friendly way, they will fail. The only way to win (and succeed in a big business) is to shun any care for the environment and focus solely on profits and corporate compliance.
The reason I consider this an eco-tech project is because it sheds light on the inner workings of the corporate world’s relationship with the environment. The idea is that people will first try and answer the eco-friendly options, but then realize what they must do to succeed. After the game one should think, “Wow, big corporations hate the environment and I should try and make a difference.”
-video camera ($30 rental IMRC)
-cam accessories
-actors and actresses ($0-$200)
-costumes ($100)
-a place to film ($0-$50)
time to:
-write the script (3 hrs)
-film the project (5 hrs)
-organize people and places (2 hrs)
-learn how to work a camera properly (2 hrs)
-edit the footage (3 hrs)
-create the game (10+ hrs)
25 hrs = $250 at minimum wage
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